Bantul Police Spray and Clean the Accident Locations in Bukit Bego

Posted by tribratanewsbantul on 12:14

Sat Samapta Bantul Police personnel spraying and cleaning at the site of the former tourist bus accident in Bukit Bego, Jalan Imogiri – Dlingo, Kedungbuweng, Wukirsari, Bantul, Tuesday (8/2/2022).

The spraying was carried out in response to reports of a number of residents and road users complaining of a bad smell at the site of the accident that killed 13 people.

Officers using a water cannon vehicle sprayed water mixed with detergent and cleaning liquid. In addition, several personnel also cleaned the traces of blood sticking to the cliff cliffs manually with cloth and cleaning liquid.

Kasat Samapta Bantul Police AKP Slamet Subiyantoro SH said that during the evacuation of the bus from the location, several officers and volunteers had sprayed disinfectant. However, the traces of dried blood splattered on the cliff walls and cliffs still cause an unpleasant odor.

"We carry water cannons with a capacity of 5000 liters. If the first spraying does not produce an unpleasant odor, of course the spraying activity will be stopped. However, if people still want it, it will be sprayed again," added AKP Slamet.

Tribrata News Bantul
Tribrata News BantulUpdated: 12:14

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